Devin's boudoir experience: Overcoming your fears and booking a boudoir shoot
Devin’s boudoir shoot will always hold a special place in my heart. She told us the whole story of her self love journey and it gave me CHILLS. This woman took matters into her own hands and made the decision to love herself. Booking a boudoir shoot was a huge step in her journey and I couldn’t be more happy for her. THANK YOU FOR TRUSTING US, DEVIN!!!
What were your fears coming into the session? Did they come true?
I think my biggest fear that I was going to look at those photos at the end and still hate my body.
What was your favorite part of the experience?
Bri and Kate made me so comfortable and were so kind. It was easy to be around them even though I was just in my undies.
How did you feel seeing your images for the first time?
I was so excited! I looked at my pictures and realized how beautiful and sexy I really was.
What would you say to someone on the fence about booking a boudoir session?
Just jump into it! You never know until you try it, and in the process of a super fun photoshoot, you are proving to yourself that you are stunning.
Interested in booking your own shoot? Start here.